News — Constitutional Crisis

Contact Your US Senators & thank them for supporting the Equal Rights Amendment

Contact Your US Senators & thank them for supporting the Equal Rights Amendment

46 Senators signed a letter to President Biden Urging him to call the Federal Archivist and give the American people our Constitution published with the Equal Rights Amendment 

Here is a list of Senate information so you can write them a thank you and remind them to continue pressure on President Biden.



Here is a copy of the November 22, 2024 Senate letter led by Senator Gillibrand's office and signed by all the Democratic and Independent Senators except for Tina Smith MN, John Letterman PA, Michael Bennet Co and Kristin Sinema AZ and Joe...

"Cuddling Harvey Weinstein is the Last Straw - Time's Up - How Women Need to Play Hardball"

"Cuddling Harvey Weinstein is the Last Straw - Time's Up -  How Women Need to Play Hardball"

Cuddling Harvey Weinstein so that rape culture has a clear lane is not in anyone's interest.  Both parties need to listen to women that we want a Democracy in which we are all citizens of equal stature. Women are laser focused on the space between equality and inequality because that is where violence against women happens with impunity under the law.  President Biden is knowingly blocking the Constitutional effectiveness of the Equal Rights Amendment. If he continues, women will vote against him with a vengeance in November.

Secretary-General Remarks to the Commission on the Status of Women

Secretary-General  Remarks to the Commission on the Status of Women

A Clarion Call by the UN Secretary General regarding the rollback of women's rights worldwide.  There is a direct relationship between the disrespect of the female and militarization of a country.  The United States is leading the rollback of women's rights through derailing publication of the Equal Rights Amendment and giving a clear lane to the US Supreme Court to decimate women's rights.  Emerging from the dead are the Comstock Laws and the Chamberlain Khan Act.  Men need to understand that how women are treated is how all people are eventually treated.  Men need to join in the Clarion Call for the ERA and for women to be honored and respected as full human beings with the right to life, liberty and happiness.

Save Reproduction Rights- Demand that President Biden get the ERA Published

Save Reproduction Rights- Demand that President Biden get the ERA Published

President Biden can stem the tide of roll back of our reproductive rights by making sure the law is followed and that an updated Constitution is published containing the Equal Rights Amendment -  " Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex."

ERA Publication in Constitution - Model Letter for Senators to send to Archivist

ERA Publication in Constitution - Model Letter for Senators to send to Archivist

ERA Publication in Constitution - Model letter for Senators to send to Federal Archivist requesting publication.