Blocking Publication of the ERA regresses the US into a virulent domination system
President Biden's choice to follow the last Administration and block publication of the ERA with the Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Organization in front of this recast Supreme Court positions the United States to socially regress into a virulent domination system.
Why publishing the ERA gives a Constitutional basis to the Roe decision and changes the arguments before the Supreme Court -
1920 - The truth is that the only equality with men that Women have...
ERA - Outline Where we Are Today - Contact your Senators, Call the White House, Demand the Democratic Party Stand Behind Democracy
We the People Have Spoken and after 174 years we amended the Constitution so we are Democracy where we are all citizens of equal stature. In line with 196 other countries.
This is an outline to understand where we are with getting the Equal Rights Amendment firmly supported by all branches of Government. President Biden is gaming the system against Women. He is refusing to clear the log jam so that the law is followed by the Executive Branch. He is telling the American People to go to court and the Legislature for validation of ERA. While he has Government lawyers arguing against the ERA in court and he knows the Legislature is fractured down party lines. The Senators are not following their oath to support and defend the Constitution by allowing the Executive Branch to continue to abuse its power and not reigning in the Senators who are blatantly betraying Democracy. Our Democratic Party is silent.
Senators have taken an oath to protect the Constitution and must demand publication of ERA. Call your Senator today
Dear Senator:
The Constitution has been amended under Article V, and, as of January 27, 2022, the Equal Rights Amendment (“ERA”) is the 28th Amendment of our Constitution. We the People call upon you to adhere to your oath of office – to protect and defend the Constitution – and demand that President Biden direct the Archivist to publish the 28th Amendment.
By law, the Archivist of the United States must publish a new Constitution which includes the Equal Rights Amendment “forthwith” (1 U.S.C. § 106b) Yet, the US Archivist has refused to publish, first as result...
Letter to President Biden: Asking that He End His Undermining of Equal Rights Amendment
President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20500
Re.: The Archivist’s Legal Duty to Publish the Equal Rights Amendment “Forthwith”
Dear President Biden:
We respectfully request that your Administration take immediate action and direct the Federal Archivist (“Archivist”) to publish the Equal Rights Amendment (“ERA”) as the 28th Amendment of our Constitution and rescind the Office of Legal Counsel’s January 6, 2020 memorandum opinion entitled “Ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment” (“OLC opinion”). Your Administration has ample executive authority to require the Archivist to perform his duties to provide clarity that the...
Letter to Judiciary Committee to rescind OLC memo blocking ERA
Dear Democratic Party Senate Judiciary Committee,
We are in a Constitutional Crisis created by the last administration which is now being sustained by the Biden Administration.
The Biden Executive Branch is abusing its power and undermining our Democracy.
What is the Judiciary Committee doing?
After a 100 years of blood, sweat and tears THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN and on January 27, 2020 Virginia became the 38th State to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment (“ERA”) and it was added to the US Constitution under Article V.
However the Executive Branch is refusing to publish an updated Constitution with the new...