

1776 – Abigail Adams wrote to her husband “Remember the Ladies”

1848 – “Declaration of Sentiments” written at first Women’s Rights Convention

1868 - Women denied vote and equality in Reconstruction Amendments (13, 14, 15)

1920- Women get vote but not Constitutional Equality

1923 – Equal Rights Amendment first introduced into Congress

1940 – Republican party includes ERA in platform

1944 – Democratic party includes ERA in platform

1972 – ERA  passes with overwhelming support of Congress and moves to states for ratification of TEXT of ERA with added superfluous baggage and ...

My Response to "50 Years Later, the zombie Equal Rights Amendment staggers on"

My Response to "50 Years Later, the zombie Equal Rights Amendment staggers on"

Our Democracy is under fire. The Washington Post took some pot shots. Why are men so frightened of women as equal citizens? Why isn't the question how can we help make a Democracy for all?  Here is my response

Save Reproduction Rights- Demand that President Biden get the ERA Published

Save Reproduction Rights- Demand that President Biden get the ERA Published

President Biden can stem the tide of roll back of our reproductive rights by making sure the law is followed and that an updated Constitution is published containing the Equal Rights Amendment -  " Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex."

ERA Publication in Constitution - Model Letter for Senators to send to Archivist

ERA Publication in Constitution - Model Letter for Senators to send to Archivist

ERA Publication in Constitution - Model letter for Senators to send to Federal Archivist requesting publication.

ERA 50th Anniversary Letter - The People Have Spoken

ERA 50th Anniversary Letter - The People Have Spoken

Here is a beautiful letter from Hon Russ Feingold, president of the American Constitution Society, to Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney stating that it is clear that the will of the people must be followed and the Archivist of the United States has an obligation to publish an updated Constitution containing the 28th Amendment.

Here is a link to the letter Carolyn Maloney wrote to the Archivist of the United States on March 22, 2022 the 50th Anniversary of the date Congress voted for the...